Second Skin
Demetra Sine Die

In the year 2003 Marco Paddeu and Marcello Fattore, the two founder-members, started the project Demetra Sine Die.
Music is not only influenced by band’s dark/rock experience: from the very beginning, the attempt to explore a complex universe made by atmospheres, sounds and feelings, clearly shows the will of a new approach to music. An obsessive alternation of different and contrasting feelings emphasizing the emotional and spiritual side of music is the key inspiring Demetra Sine Die.
In August 2004 the band recorded the first Demo.
In April 2006, strengthened by the new line-up with Adriano Magliocco (bass), the band opened the concert of the Norwegian bands Theatre of Tragedy and Gothminister in Genoa.
From now on the band’s sound is characterized by a conflicting marriage between cerebral, progressive and decadent parts on one side, and more atmospheric and psychedelic fragments on the other side. The resulting scenery seems to be a bridge between different streams, from the dark progressive to the alternative rock/metal ones with the only compulsory condition of a common open-minded view of the sound not strictly bound to stereotypes.
Between May and July 2007 the band finished their first full-length album recorded and produced by Tommy Talamanca (Sadist) at Nadir Studio in Genoa, “Council from Kaos”, on My Kingdom Music (Masterpiece distribution).




RUMORE n. Maggio 2008 ... una tela dove il dark-prog psichedelico è codice istintivo, primitivo e ieratico. I colori sono molteplici e convergono in un centro che si ramifica nello spazio, inquanto indice di visione e innocenza pagana: l’eco lirico e debordante verso il dettato tribale post Tool riletto secondo le vesti bianche degli Anathema di Alternative 4 e non solo..."Ethik", "Magma", "Dilemma", Blood and Water, estensioni della crudescenza paranoide dei Bauhaus, della sinuosa inquietudine dei Cure (Seventeen Seconds), del fuoco esistenzialista odierno (i Katatonia di Discouraged ones)...

Genere: Alternative Rock, Dark, Psychedelic Rock.


Indirizzo: Genova, GE, Italia.


Sabato 7 Dicembre 2013 - La Claque (GE)
Sabato 18 Maggio 2013 - L.S.O.A. Buridda (GE)
Sabato 5 Gennaio 2013 - Checkmate Rock Club (GE)
Domenica 24 Giugno 2012 - Villa Durazzo Bombrini (GE)
Sabato 18 Febbraio 2012 - L.S.O.A. Buridda (GE)
Sabato 26 Novembre 2011 - Checkmate Rock Club (GE)
Sabato 22 Ottobre 2011 - L.S.O.A. Buridda (GE)
Sabato 19 Marzo 2011 - C.S.A. Zapata (GE)
Sabato 5 Febbraio 2011 - 262 Club (GE)
Sabato 15 Maggio 2010 - C.S.O.A. Pinelli (GE)
Sabato 1 Maggio 2010 - Lucrezia Social Bar (GE)

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